2/3 Panda Models Arrivals & Restocks!!!
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It's about to get crazy here at the shop!!! As some of you have already seen we've just had over 3000 collection sale models arrive!!! It's going to take weeks to get through this especially with another collection already en-route and one to be closed on shortly... With that said that means things will be super busy so please be patient with us as we try to keep up with it all. With that said the latest Panda Models have arrived and are now available for immediate shipping!!!

Panda Models 1:400 Arrivals & Restocks!!!

China Eastern Airlines MD-11 B-2172 - $48.95
American Airlines MD-11 N1761R - $48.95
Delta Air Lines MD-11 N808DE - $48.95
Delta Air Lines B 767-300 N171DZ - $48.95
Delta Air Lines B 767-300 N176DZ - $48.95
United Airlines B 737-800 N76516 - $45.95
Interflug TU-134 DDR-SCP - $44.95
Balkan - Bulgarian Airlines TU-134 LZ-TUR - $44.95
Balkan - Bulgarian Airlines TU-134 LZ-TUM - $44.95
Flybondi B 737-800 LV-HKN - $46.95

Happy Shopping!!! www.wafflecollectibles.com

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